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Blog News

I'm not doing so well interesting everyone with my topics.
That is ok, I'm a strong guy, I can take anything.

Lets see how this one goes.

Matt Drudge became a household name only because his website scooped the Monica/Clinton story,
or so he says. He was having a difficult time breaking into the newspaper business and used his
website to report on a topic that would come to rock the White House and send Drudge into
stardom. As an anti-establishment journalist, I admired his strategy -- not him.

However, what Drudge did was, caused panic in the newsrooms across the nation. If a civilian can
break such a big story, newsrooms better take a second look at the web. Print media up until
that point largely opposed having a website, because they felt it would hurt their print
business. And journalists themselves feared such a "hi-tech" medium. Afterall, we were Mac shops
and had grown use to database technology, not websites.

Six years later, when Google made the decision to include "Blogs" in search results, media
moguls turned red because now their pages were likely to fight (not only) against a growing
number of internet news sites (like mine) as well as thousands upon thousands of newly,
self-opointed OPED writers.

Anyone who depends upon the search engines for information most surely have noticed, as have I,
that in the past six months blogs come up regularly in results. Do I find this annoying? Well,
to be perfectly honest, I've changed my opinion. I now have more blogs linking to my website
than I have true resource pages. In other words, blogs are helping me drive traffic and
relevance. But I'm more liberal when it comes to the Internet, than say, Michael Wolf a
colleauge who depends upon high prices for his OPED columns.... pay-for-information online is
not a good business model. Pornography sites learned this first -- people share information for

The big debate within the jouranlism profession today is, whether or not blogs qualify as news.
Journalists say no, simply out of self-preservation in what has become a dying profession. Now,
I've had journalists (one from the New York Times) tell me my website is nothing more than a
blog... It was meant to be insulting. Yet I've beat the Times on eight stories in the past two
years. They win awards, I do this for fun.

The Authors Guild (not the Writers Guild) refused me membership because I was not writing for a
"printed" newspaper, and yet I have more readers than the Village Voice. Stories on my website
beat the mainstream press, the most current being Wal-Mart's PAC money in exchange for relaxed
Labor Laws. This story could have been written by anyone really.

1.) What makes a blog threatening news, or should the media fear blogs?
2.) What makes a blog different than any newspaper's OPED section?
3.) Where do independent news sites like indy media or mine, differ from mainstream press?

What I think will happen someday, is a fallout of Blog. I don't think they will fall from favor
perse, but I think it would only take one libel suit to halt the progress and popularity of
blogs, and alter what people write. Most media topics seem to end up in court anyway!

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