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Absolute Truth

This is the absolute truth and there in lies the true glory of this country, in my opinion. We are guaranteed by our Constitution the right of free speech and it is a most wonderful thing. As a person who grew up all over the world, what we have here is a beautiful thing. I am against censorship as I feel it can be a symptom of very serious societal ills. I think perhaps at present the pendulum has swung to one side but I think that is better than what was transpiring in the country during the McCarthy era when people's lives were ruined because of their opinions and words. As a writer, I get nervous at the thought of censorship. I have often said that I defend even Howard Stern's right to say the things he does or anyone else for that matter because I do not want to have anyone tell me what I can or can not write. Language and its use are a matter of taste but ultimately, I can turn Howard Stern off (I don't mean to pick on the man, he is the most readily available example I can think of at present) or not see what I consider to be an objectionable movie. That is the beauty of our system, this free speech right.

We are all free to express ourselves as we see fit. Of course, it would be good if we tempered that freedom and are respectful in some circumstances. For example, what I might say on a subject with adults would be a very different thing around children. All of our opinions and words matter and the freedom to express them, read them or ignore them rests entirely with each of us. I think that is utterly marvelous!

Actually "True joke Clerk Stories" is a different animal for reasons that you didn't mention. (If you only went to the first page than you really can't know what it's like. This is a case of  "don't judge a journal by its title." You really can't compare TPCS to something if you haven't read it, just like you can't say that you know what to "expect" to read from author that you've never read.) Some doesn't have links to blogs, doesn't have a comments feature, doesn't have pictures, and doesn't have "my pixel person," "my weather," "my mood," etc buttons all over it. It really is just a journal about her thoughts about working in retail, being a feminist working in a video store that carries joke, working with crazy customers and managers, etc. Reading HER work, I get the feeling that she's writing the journal just to write it, and that she uses the internet as a tool to record her journal. Reading other blogs I often get the feeling that the goal is to indulge in 15 mins of fame, as shown by the name dropping, ring linking, etc. That's fine and good, but I just want to be clear as to why TPCS is different; it has nothing to do with the title and subject and everything to do with the delivery.

I think that the writer probably does consider the audience. If the audience doesn't like it, the audience doesn't have to read it. It's not like blogs are required reading. You aren't being forced to read them for an English class or something. ney.

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