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I know that many of you have Blogs as I have visited and enjoyed them. I went to this morning and attempted to try to start a blog of my own. Of course, I am totally lost. I did get a simple post done but wonder how many of you have the columns with links to other blogs you enjoy, blog rings, photos etc. etc. Mine did not come out that way at all. Does anyone have any tips or advice on how to do a blog? I do have a digital camera so photos would be no problem if I knew what to do with them. Ha Ha Ha! Thanks for any help you might be able to give! Hi, I know that many of you have Blogs as I have visited and enjoyed them. I went to this morning and attempted to try to start a blog of my own. Of course, I am totally lost. I did get a simple post done but wonder how many of you have the columns with links to other blogs you enjoy, blog rings, photos etc. etc. Mine did not come out that way at all. Does anyone have any tips or advice on how to do a blog? I do have a digital camera so photos would be no problem if I knew what to do with them. Ha Ha Ha! Thanks for any help you might be able to give!

It is good to get a wide perspective on the knitting blog issue because blogs mean different things to different people. But I do believe that for the most part, bloggers expect others to read them; they are not writing it just for themselves. They introduce themselves, display their work in galleries with pattern and yarn descriptions, invite comments, as well as the initial visit via hyperlink to their blog. Often the blog link is there as part and parcel of their signature in a forum posting. They have regular viewers and write for an audience. As such, shouldn't they take responsibility for it? Not everybody knows about their blog, otherwise the author wouldn't need to link people to it.

True Pork Clerk Stories is in a completely different genre altogether. I only went to the intro page, but I think that people who are pursuing that web address already know what kind of material to expect. Knitting blogs are a whole other animal. You expect a certain content. It is true that knitting blogs also have a kind of personal journal threading through it. I don't not mean to say that the two should be isolated. Some authors mingle their knitting discussions very gracefully with the everyday details of their lives and are absolutely brilliant in the undertaking!

My spinning friend and I both felt a little strange about encountering a few blogs by "hyper-invitation" to find posts riddled with foul language. Angry or not, couldn't it be important as an author to consider your audience? And not just because you're concerned about being respectful, but equally because you would want people to return to your blog, to bookmark you, or link you on theirs? If I had a blog, I would be honored to find myself listed in someone else's as one of their favorites.

At the same time, there are a lot of wonderful women out there who have the most delightful blogs. I found one last night by a beginning knitter that was very entertaining. It was simple, uncluttered and well-written. Very witty, too! I will come back to blogs like that.

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